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About Course

HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is a standard programming language used to create and structure content on the web. HTML is the foundation of all web pages and is responsible for defining the structure and content of a web page. It is a markup language that uses tags to define different elements on a page, such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, and more.

HTML is a relatively simple language, consisting of a set of tags that can be used to create different elements on a page. These tags are written in angle brackets and are used to define the start and end of an element. For example, the

tag is used to define a paragraph of text, while the img is used to insert an image into a page.

In addition to defining the structure and content of a web page, HTML also provides a way to link pages together through hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are created using the a tag and can be used to link to other pages on the web, as well as to specific sections within a page.

HTML is an essential skill for anyone looking to create and publish content on the web. While it is a relatively simple language, it provides a solid foundation for building more complex web pages and applications. By mastering HTML, developers can create responsive, user-friendly web pages that are accessible to users on a wide range of devices and platforms.

Course Details

Enrolled : 9868
Time Span : 100 Hours
Mode : Online / Offline
Class & Practice Session : 2 Hours
Level : Basic & Advanced

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